Hario Chacha Fukami Tea Pot 450ml
Hario Chacha Fukami Tea Pot 450ml
The Hario ChaCha teapot provides an ideal way for tea enthusiast to brew tea in few minutes. It has wide body with wide metal filter mesh which enables you to insert the loose leaves with ease.
The Hario Fukami teapot has been manufactured from natural components which is very impressive considering the heat-resistance qualities this tea pot offers.
Overall the Hario teapot is a great addition for someone who wishes to brew 1 to 2 cups of tea. It has 450 capacity and all glass tea pot which can be used as a server as soon as you remove the filter mesh.
Hario Fukami Tea Pot Includes
- 1x Hario Chacha Fukami
- Filter Mesh
- Heatproof Glassware
- 450ml
- Made in Japan
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