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on all orders over £150
Whether you work in the industry, or get passionate about coffee in your spare time; London Coffee Festival is one of the most hotly anticipated events of the year. Two years since we last set foot in the Truman Brewery, eponymous home to LCF, the Brewed By Hand team (and every other coffee lover) we beyond excited to get back.
Now that we’ve had a week to reflect & reminisce, here are some of our festival highlights. Make sure to check our Image Library to see all photos from the event.
Creativity, passion, skill, knowledge and personality – this is what makes a Coffee Master. This year our sister companies Loveramics and Hario provided the cups and brewing gear for the competition. The skills on show in this year’s competition was truly mind-blowing. A big shout-out to the 2021 champion Agnes Sokolvska from Five Elephant Coffee in Berlin.
Even we were surprised by the hype around the soon-to-be-released Hario Artists Edition V60s! In celebration of Hario’s 100th anniversary we teamed up with Hario UK to commission artists, illustrators and designers to create a work of art using the iconic V60 shape as their canvas.
The exclusive LCF preview of the collection caused such a stir we’re certain they won’t hang around for long!
A massive, enormous THANK YOU to all of our highly acclaimed guest roasters who graced our brew bar over the course of the festival. Send Coffee, Kiss the Hippo, Girls Who Grind, Confinet, Triple Co Roast, Hundred House Coffee, Voyager Coffee, Olfactory Coffee, Sweven, Quarter Horse and Curve Coffee all helped to our festival experience truly amazing. Visitors to our stand (and the BBH team) were treated to a whole raft of incredible coffees throughout the festival, brewed by the most knowledgeable baristas you could ever hope to meet. Cheers guys!
We used our stand as the very best vantage point to proudly showcase our full range of trade partners.
London Coffee Festival 2021 was the first opportunity we had to display our recently onboarded brand Aequinox. Makers of professional capsule machines, ideal for foodservice & commercial applications.
These machines were well-received by lots of specialty roasters as more and more of them are releasing their own coffee pods.
As well as the Artists Edition V60s we also previewed a range of new Hario equipment & accessories. One of our favourites was the inventive new Hario Drip Assist which turned out to be very popular with everyone else too.
The beautiful new glass coffee maker with built-in mesh filter also proved a hit due to its compact and attractive design.
As predicted, there was a huge level of anticipation surrounding the release of the new MK4 Comandante manual grinder. We had a great time demonstrating the new features of this incredible bit of kit.
One of our favourite bits of juicy gossip from the Fesitval is that Jimmy Dimitrov from Sweven Coffee will be launching his own roastery very soon.
Jimmy is Co-founder of Sweven, a Q Grader and SCA Trainer as well as a Seasoned coffee competitor and Champion both in UK and USA. To say we’re excited for the unveiling of his new venture is putting it mildly!
Of course what makes LCF so special is the sheer joy of having so many coffee lovers, baristas and creatives amassed in one place. After so long away and such a difficult couple of years, to have the coffee community gathered together with no loss of enjoyment, momentum or innovation on show was no. 1 highlight for us!
Thanks to everyone who came to see us, shared a brew or a chat.